Monday, August 23, 2010

Singapore Sling

Well we are reaching the end of the road and just as Odysseus encounters new challenges even after he reaches the shores of Ithaca I have had new items pop up. We had to run back to Takoradi today to move a server to the DMZ and make a few otehr adjustments. We go back to Accra in the morning. Meanwhile there was a "oh by the way we need you to set up xyz for us too" and that will be a whole new mini-project in itself! Here's the fun part: the management team is in Houston (-5 hours) and the support team is in Singapore (+8 hours) and I am in the middle. So for example right now (9:00 PM in Ghana) it's 4:00 PM in Houston and 5:00 AM tomorrow in Singapore. Whatever directive I get from Houston can't be implemented by the Singapore team till the next day, and if I need clearance from management for something it has to wait until after 2:00 PM Ghana time, which is of course long after the Singapore guys went home!

No going-home date yet but we were hoping by the end of this week. Not sure yet how the scope change will affect that date. May know more Wednesday.

Meanwhile congrats to SS who had her first day today of HIGH SCHOOL! :)


  1. Sounds like who's on first at what time to me. HIGH SCHOOL! Can't be........Damm you are getting old.

  2. Thanks for reminding me!

  3. LOL! yay u remembered :D


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