Saturday, August 7, 2010

Progress is Good

Got some momentum now. Have 3 of 6 servers migrated and 8 of 26 user workstations. I will be hitting the workstations today and tomorrow. It's time consuming for a variety of reasons. One is that the first workstation I migrated deleted the existing profile which included everything in My Documents and Desktop and I hed to try to go back and undelete the deleted files. So from now on I back that up first and sometimes it's gigs. I know it's not a best practice to store things locally but frankly I am not here to break bad habits.

We are looking at trying to go back to Takoradi by Tuesday. Monday would be the earliest I could go back as there are no hielcopters coming out this weekend but I won't be ready that fast.

Didn't sleep much the past two days but last night someone gave me an Ambien and I crawled into bed and went back to reading Homer's Odyssey--something I read in airports and waiting on helicopters. The next thing I knew 10 hours had passed and the light was still on over the bed. So I guess the Ambien worked!

Side note about the Odyssey: Though I am not so familiar with the Greek classics I can say that for a hero Odysseus is oddly prone to emotional tantrums. Examples about but for one when Circe tells him he must go to see the spirits of the dead and meet with the ghost of Tiresias he describes throwing himself onto a bed and rolling around and crying until he tired of it. Sounds like something a two year old might do. It's an interesting visual and I have to think the movie version wouldn't be so faithful to the original text.

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