Monday, August 9, 2010

The Beat Goes On

My coworker left today for Takoradi, leaving me to fend for myself amongst the IT deprived. I am scheduled to go back tomorrow but it all kind of depends on corporate. We have been emailing back and forth all afternoon about a support issue. Meanwhile I am doing remote work on the office back in Takoradi. Wish there was something interesting to report but all I do is work and I doubt that would interest too many readers. So I apologize for the banality of this post. There was a bit of excitement as they changed out some satellite descramblers for the tv channels and most of twhe channels promptly went out. There were raised voices and some enthusiastic gesturing among the people trying to get it fixed, as everyone was convinced it was the other person's fault. Judging by the current quiet they got it resolved. Good thing too; at lunch and dinner the satellite channel plays B-grade movies. Lunch wouldn't be the same without watching Tom Selleck or Meg Ryan or Zac Efron... no David Hasselhoff yet, though. And no one seems to want to watch BBC or CNN. We did get a new shipment of food in (same caterer) and we had pork chops the other night. Assured they were fresh and free of trichinosis, I ate four. But the food has not been too great since.

No time for light reading; Odysseus is still conversing with the ghost of Tiresias and it may be tomorrow before I get to Scylla and Charibdis.

I have not been sleeping well but since the snorers are both gone maybe I will sleep better tonight. We got a third roommate the other day, a short, thick-necked, affable Aussie who warned us he sleeps nude. I don't look; I keep the curtains around my bunk closed! He is still here but at least he doesn't snore.

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