Friday, August 13, 2010

Back in Accra

I am back in Accra today. We flew Ghana Air and I was a little concerned about it but everything was fine. We are about to start the big wrap up; almost everything is online and accessible but we still have a couple of weeks worth of things to do. There is one satellite office that we are going to set up but the equipment hasn't come in yet. Some changes have been requested and this is something I'll be working on until we get the other equipment in. However we have been kicked out of the office room that we did have in Accra because the guys from the upcoming satellite office are here waiting for it and they took our old room over in our absense! So I am working from a guest reception area in the lobby. I am closer to the kitchen now but they haven't replenished the supply of McVitie's, so I'm not so tempted to snack.

1 comment:

  1. I know you are working hard but, please make a slight comment so as we can tell you are doing OK. Haven't heard a peep for many days.

    Love, Dad


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