Friday, August 27, 2010

Ivory Coast: Not Just Soaps!

About six weeks ago there was talk about going to the Ivory Coast to do a site survey in anticipation of the project coming up there next month. I had volunteered because I thought it would be an interesting break from Ghana. Well you know what they say about volunteering. Now that we are close to wrapping up someone said ah, what about Ivory Coast! We were going to send someone... oh yes, you! So it looks like I am stopping over in Ivory Coast to inspect a shore office and a vessel before I wrap things up here and return to the US. There is one other person coming with me, and people who work here go there all the time for work so I don't feel like it's going to be unsafe. I am hoping to be home on or around Sept 6--in only 10 more days!

A site survey should be a lot of fun because it gives you the chance to inspect the existing site and identify the issues. Sort of a "what's wrong with this picture" but on a bigger scale. Plus I get to visit another country--this one a former French colony, so it should be quite different from Ghana. It has been a good project and I'm glad I did it, but I am also glad it will be wrapped up soon.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like the proverbial "oh, one more thing" caught you again. :)) Have fun - take pictures.


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