Monday, July 19, 2010


Since the ISP's connection keeps goes down, I have had to entertain myself while waiting for access to be restored so I can configure servers, download drivers, etc. For the moment it's back up! So in tribute to Vodaphone, who has been down more than up the past couple of days, here is a little ditty to be sung to tune of Paul Simon's Kodachrome...

When I think back
On all the crap I've seen in Ghana
It's a wonder
I can surf at all
And though my lack of access
Hasn't hurt me none
I can read the writing on the wall

You promise those fast connections
You'll put us on the Internet
And support our DM-VPN, oh yeah!
I got an HP laptop
I'd love to surf the Internet
So Ghana, don't take my Vodaphone away

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