Thursday, July 8, 2010

Back to Accra

I made it back to Accra this afternoon. Our first stop was Takoradi. Coming through customs I was asked if I smoke. "No." The customs agent went through every pocket of each bag and waved me on. One of my travelling companions who does smoke told me later that the same customs agent searced his bag, found his cigarettes, and made him give up one. In Accra, someone chatted me up while I waited for my driver at the airport and followed me to the car, asking for a 10 cedi tip! Yep, we are back in Africa!


  1. That kind of thing makes my blood boil. I just couldn't be there dealing with all the bamboozling.

  2. Comical that the dude would think his keeping you company should be of value!
    We get "bamboozled" here every day, only in a more deceitful way. They have the more direct approach! Still, it sucks!


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