Saturday, July 10, 2010

Brief Update

I was away 10 days and the other guys in the group can't remember what meetings and conversations I was there for and which I wasn't. They talk about "don't you remember when blah blah" and I remind them I wasn't with them when that happened! (Thanks, guys!) Today has been a work day; mostly setting up servers and downloading and applying updates. We don't have the server room ready yet so we are building machines stacked up on tablesin an office. About the most exciting thing that happened today was I found a bag of salt & vinegar chips for sale. Hope they're good; I am saving them for the World Cup game (assuming we watch it at the hotel).

I am told that only one special dispensation is permitted per person, so since I don't have the required safety training, I will not be returning to the Kobayashi Maru when the rest of the team goes. Instead I will be staying in Accra or Takoradi to do network stuff. Their trip is still probably a couple of weeks away. We are only now to the point we can put together a tentative outline and we can see how if things went very smoothly we would be done by mid-August. Of course, things don't always go smoothly in Africa. Check out this screen cap from a download I attempted yesterday:

1 comment:

  1. "Hey Mommm, Is that file downloaded yet?"
    (FYI, Roadrunner or some broadband commercial, boy outside shootin' hoops in the driveway waiting for his file to download.:)
    Hope all is going well!


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