Saturday, July 24, 2010

Goin' Back to Ghana

I'm goin' back to Ghana, Ghana, Ghana.
I'm goin' back to Ghana.
I don't think so.

- Apologies to Notorious B.I.G.

I finished the OPITO training yesterday. We had to put out fires using different kinds of fire extinguishers--CO2, foam, and a solid, and saw the differences in the way you should approach putting out different types of fires. Then we put on smoke hoods and had to feel out way out of a smoke-filled building with doors, stairs, and floors that you had to step up or down in between some areas. The last bit was loading everyone into a lifeboat (not a life raft) and being lowered into the pristine waters of the Tees.

Now that I am certified it's time to head back to Ghana. While the course was intense, it was good to get away for a while. Yesterday evening and today I went shopping looking for things we don't have acess to in Ghana. One of my companions requested a case of English bitter, and it will be interesting to see how far I get through customs with that! It's in cans, and I am worried bout it rupturing in/on the plane but I am committed and it's now my quest to return it to Ghana. It is still enclosed in the cardbord bottom and plastic wrap, and I've wrapped it all in bubble wrap and put it in a large bag with clothes stuffed all around. I also bought a French press coffee maker and five different kinds of gound coffee (which is difficult to find in the UK; it's mostly instant--horrible stuff, no wonder the Brits prefer their tea). Also a package of Colman's English mustard. They have mustard in Ghana, or so they will tell you, but it's not the same.

By far the best meal I had here was at La Pharmacie in Middlesbrough. It used to the be Purple Onion. Funny that the Purple Onion still exists in the form of a web site, advertising its fare, yet when you get there it's completely rebranded as La Parmacie. The fillet was wonderful, which is great because I shan't have a steak like that for at least 4 more weeks (yes, I have been in the UK long enough that I am starting to pick up some words). The fish and chips so readily available here is also good but of course very greasy.

Anyway, I will try to post some pictures once I am back in Ghana. The hotel here charges a PER MINUTE rate for Internet access.

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