Sunday, July 25, 2010

Mixed Success

Made it back with the Boddingon case intact. No questions or issues at the airport. The only failure I encountered is because of asenine airport security and bag limit rules. Another of my companions had requested a bottle of Chimay. I was able to find it (which wasn't easy) and even package it for being checked (cause we can't have any liquids, gels, or aerosols in our carryon luggage unless they are 3 oz or less size containers and fit in a one qt clear plastic ziplock bag, mmmkay?) KLM said this would put me over my bag count limit and they wanted me to pay a €255 extra bag fine for this one little box with €16 worth of Belgian beer in it. I tried explaining to them that this was a stupid policy, that a weight limit rather than a count limit made more sense, and even suggested the duty free guys could go back to the store and buy more and seal up the package for me. They wouldn't have any of it and as my time was running out I had to just abandon six bottles of Chimay in the airport for someone to pick up and toss. #$%^&*!

Anyway, the flight was fine, work is work, and I am now safely back in my room in Ghana.


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