Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Roadside Shopping

On the way to the office there is a two-lane road that is bumper to bumper traffic in both directions, all day. Like lines of ants marching in formation, cars and trucks and vans of all levels of repair creep along towards their destinations. Hawkers are all around, selling anything from bags of onions or apples to football jerseys to cold drinks. They try to make eye contact and wave their wares at you. Sometimes they carry trays of goods balanced on their heads. Today somone in my group rolled down his window and yelled out to a guy selling African style masks, "How much?" "10 cedis each." My companion whipped out 20 cedis and bought two. When everyone saw there was a car dispensing money, they were on us like files. Four more hawkers were right behind the mask vendor, two kids started cleaning our windshield, and a guy was at my window calling "Obruni! Obruni!" I wish I'd video recorded it. We may have to do that again so I can. I need to learn how to say "back off" in Twi...

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